Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1763.01.10

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Index Entry Fyring, Mr, makes organs, made organ in St Paul's 
Location Philadelphia 
10 Jan 1763:12 (545)
From the Pennsylvania Gazette.  ON HEARING THE ORGAN, AT ST.
Hail heav'n born science! whose enliv'ning touch,
Thro' nature felt, makes all her pow'rs rejoice,
And fills the soul with harmony, and bliss
Extatic.---When joy tumultuous revels
In the swelling breast, then thou, sweet music,
Majestically smooth, and soft as zephyrs,
. . .[30 lines]
Thy name, O Fyring, thy deserving name
Shall shine conspicuous in the roll of fame;----
. . .[2 lines, signed] C.W.P. 
* Mr. Fyring is a German by birth, but has, for some years
past, practised the making of musical instruments
(particularly spinnets and harpsicords) in this city, with
great repute.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1763.01.10 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0029638
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